

Hosted buyer Program

18 Jan 2024
Views 249

How are you?
We can recruit international hosted buyers from around the world as per your requirement. We have the expertise and experience of over 12 years for buyer recruitment for many different events for many different industries. We are doing inbound delegation to Korea since last 13 years in Cosmetics, Food industry, Wine and Spirits, Automobile, ,Animation, Power generation, Consumer goods,  Green Energy and Green Technology. Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, LED's, Marine products, Industrial automation, Robotics, IT,AI,ICT. Electronics etc. We also do Korean out bound delegation to India (Mumbai).

Since PANDEMIC we have also recruited buyers for many Korean online B2B events from different industries.
We have done hosted buyer recruitment for different events in Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand as well.
Normally our charges range from USD 150 to USD 300 per buyer depending on the type of event.

Please give us an opportunity to serve you in the near future.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this email.

Awaiting your kind reply.

Best regards,

Sameer Gupte

Mobile, WhatsApp and Kakao Talk +91 98694495


Jeju Convention bureau  |  admin

Address : 2F, Jeju Welcome Center, Seondeok-ro (313-80 Yeon-dong), Jeju-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, FAX : 064-739-1805

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